Weeds will manage to find a way to survive in even the harshest conditions: even cracks in the pavement don’t stand much of a chance.
Though few weeds barriers are permanent, a top-dressing of undecomposed organic matter on top of the soil, called mulch, can go a long way towards slowing the growth of unwanted plants in the garden.
Technically, mulch can be any kind of organic matter, from grass clippings, to leaves, to wood or bark chips.
Wood or chip mulch in one of the most attractive options, and also provides an array of benefits to the soil and the plants growing in it.
For example, mulch keeps the soil at a more even temperature: it both insulates the soil in winter, and keeps it cool in summer.
Mulch also prevents rapid surface water evaporation on sunny days, and soaks up and retains water like a sponge, which provides long-term water resources for surrounding plants.
Additionally, it decomposes into organic matter to bulk up the soil, and as it breaks down, parts of it are converted into plant nutrients.
Mulch does all of this while suppressing the growth of weeds, which compete with landscape plants for water and nutrients. It is an attractive and functional addition to any landscape.